Plant Growth
Plant Growth: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Measurement of Growth in Plants,Open Form of Growth,Dedifferentiation in Plants etc.
Important Questions on Plant Growth
Auxanometer is used to measure

In tissue culture experiments, leaf mesophyll cells are put in a culture medium to form callus. This phenomenon may be called as:

How many tissues/structures are the result of redifferentiation in dicot root?
Intrafascicular cambium; Interfascicular cambium; Primary pith rays; Secondary pith rays; Vascular cambium; Secondary xylem; Secondary phloem; Phellem; Phelloderm; Cork cambium.

Write a short note on redifferentiation.

A tissue is made up of only one type of differentiated cells in

Plant factors depend upon

Intrinsic factor for plant development includes

On whose response, plants follow different pathways to form different kind of structures?

The formation of primary xylem is an example of

The formation of secondary xylem and secondary phloem is an example of

What can affect the phases/stages of growth?

What are required for the synthesis of protoplasm and acts as a source of energy?

Which power of cells is retained after mitotic cell division in geometric growth?

Rapid increase in growth after slow initial period in sigmoid growth curve is called

Secondary growth of plant occurs due to_____.

Meristem are responsible for_____.

Cells that make up major part of the plant body is_____.

The unique ability to retain the capacity of growth in plants is due to the presence of

Why the growth of a plant is unique?

If expansion of leaf occurs, then it is known as